Action for Development Initiative (AFODI)

AFODI is a think tank active in Uganda that fronts entrepreneurship as tool to empower individuals in building enterprises that shape free and prosperous societies. We apply economic research, economic policy advocacy, entrepreneurship training and skilling; for sustainable and equitable development. 
AFODI holds to the belief that free trade is not just about economics; it's about empowerment. By empowering individuals to unleash their full potential, we can create a freer, prosperous and inclusive world for all.

Our Partners

We focus on long-term, mutually beneficial partnerships that benefit our national and global presence

people . purpose . prosperity

Projects Done
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Youths Trained
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Liberty Camps Organised
Free Trade Trainings Sessions
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A glimpse of Projects

Trade Catalyst conference

Recent posts and updates

Economic Baraza Program (#EB23)

The Joy of partnering in this year’s Economic Baraza Program (hashtag#EB23) implemented by hashtag#Mtindo_Network was wrapped in honor by unleashing the program’s impact on trade and entrepreneurship in the Economic

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Our partnership with Mtindo Network Development Initiative in the Free Enterprise Conference